Terms of Reference:

  1. Active Duty Percent = Active Duty + Family Members / All Patrons

  2. Net Profit Percent = Net Profit / Net Sales

Data Dictionary

Cost Center Descriptions

Company Abb & Desc

Golf Courses Plot

Quad Plot

*Active duty includes Dependents


The below table displays Percent Net Profit (FY18-FY20) and Percent use by Active duty (FY18-FY20) against all patrons that utilized the program.

Private Berthing

Quad Plot

*Active duty includes Dependents


The below table displays Percent Net Profit (FY18-FY20) and Percent use by Active duty (FY18-FY20) against all patrons that utilized the program.

Boating Program Plot

Quad Plot

*Active duty includes Dependents


The below table displays Percent Net Profit (FY18-FY20) and Percent use by Active duty (FY18-FY20) against all patrons that utilized the program.

Vehicle Storage Plot

Quad Plot

*Active duty includes Dependents


The below table displays Percent Net Profit (FY18-FY20) and Percent use by Active duty (FY18-FY20) members against all patrons that utilized the program.

Auto Skills

Quad Plot

*Active duty includes Dependents


The below table displays Percent Net Profit (FY18-FY20) and Percent use by Active duty (FY18-FY20) against all patrons that utilized the program.

Bowling Plot

Quad Plot

5811 - Bowling (16 lanes or less)
5812 - Bowling (17 lanes or more)

*data does not include Okinawa and SDM includes utilization data from (FY19 & FY20)


The below table displays Percent Net Profit (FY18-FY20) and Percent use by Active duty (FY18-FY20) against all patrons that utilize both 5811 - Bowling (16 lanes or less) and/or 5812 - Bowling (17 lanes or more)

*Utilization metrics are combined for both 5811 and 5812.
If Net Profit is blank, there is no bowling (< 16 or > 17 Lanes) program for that installation.
RecTrac (Utilization) data was not collected for San Diego until FY19

ITT / Direct Leisure Travel

Quad Plot

The below plot displays Percent Net Profit (FY18-FY20) and Percent use by Active duty (FY18-FY20) against all patrons that utilize
5572 - ITT Ticket, 5573 - ITT Tours and 5575 Direct Leisure Travel


The below table displays Percent Net Profit (FY18-FY20) and Percent use by Active duty (FY18-FY20) against all patrons that utilize
5572 - ITT Ticket, 5573 - ITT Tours and 5575 Direct Leisure Travel

*Table combines CCTR's 5575, 5572 and 5573 as one program (Net Profit and Utilization)